ATEX Certification

Inspection of Equipments or Installations accordig to ATEX

ATEX is referred to the EU legislation to harmonize laws of the member states.

ATEX is referred to the EU legislation to harmonize laws of the member states regarding :

  • The trade in Explosion - proof products » Directive 94/9/EC (basic Health and Safety requirements, requirements for CE marking of the equipment and procedures for the conformity assessment of the equipment and the protection systems, which are intended to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres)
  • Protection of workers at risk from explosive atmospheres » Directive 1999/92/EC

Both Directives are mandatory from 01 July 2003. The harmonization of the directive 94/9/EC in the Greek Law has been performed with the relevant ministerial gazette ΦΕΚ 157-13.03.96/B 17081/2964

The ATEX directives affect :

  • Manufacturers of ATEX products
  • Employers of workers at risk from potentially explosive atmospheres
  • Others in supply chain, designers, distributors, installers, maintainers, certifiers, inspection authorities.

TÜV HELLAS, with the support of TÜV NORD can offer inspection and certification services based on the requirements of the ATEX directives. TÜV NORD is a notified Certification Body for Explosion-proof electrical equipment and owns and operates an accredited Laboratory for testing Ex-proof electrical equipment and mechanical components

Please Contact Us

Λ. Μεσογείων 282
155 62 Χολαργός, Ελλάδα

Tel.: +30 215 215 7452
Fax: +30 210 6528025